Questions to be submitted for inclusion in the 'Ask Cardiff' survey, to be circulated with the 'Capital Times' newspaper to Cardiff homes.
1. Do you think that religious organisations in Cardiff can help to reduce anti-social behaviour?
Yes/No/Don’t Know
2. How does religion influence people’s behaviour?
Strongly for worse / For worse / Not at all / For better / Strongly for better
3. To what extent do you think people in Cardiff respect their fellow citizens?
A lot of respect/a little respect/don’t know/a little disrespect/a lot of disrespect
4. To what extent do you think the diverse range of faith groups in Cardiff is an asset to the city?
A strong asset/a slight asset/neither adds nor takes away from the city/
a slight hindrance/a strong hindrance
5. To what extent do religious communities in Cardiff play an important part
of city life?
A very important part /An important part / Neither important nor unimportant/An unimportant part / Very unimportant